Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beware - Error With Your PC

I am getting fed up with the persistent calls that claim a company has discovered an error with my PC.

These are all from outside the UK and guessing by the accents they come from India or somewhere close.  Some claim to be from London, but if so why would my caller display say 'International'?  Maybe London has moved since I did geography!

It is clear what they are trying to do, entice you to a web site that does try and cause a problem with your PC and then I have no doubt that they will charge you an exorbitant amount to correct the error they have 'discovered'

You are best to ignore these calls totally but they still keep making them.  I think they are working on mailing lists they have bought where you have provided a phone number and an email address.  From this they work out you may have a PC.

If you do try to find out how they know it is a problem with your PC then they come up with a whole host of technobabble designed to frighten the non computer aware. They told me they had the Windows Licence number of a machine at my address which had reported errors.  Interestingly it didn't look like any Microsoft key I have ever seen and certainly was nothing like any of my machines.

It goes without saying - never tell them anything about your computer set up or go to any websites they may mention, you are just asking for trouble.

You could of course have some sport, tell them you are running Linux, Unix, Macintosh or any more obscure system you like and then invite them to explain why they think you have a Windows error - again they are piggybacking on the fact that many people do have Windows.

The bottom line is that they do NOT have any errors from your PC, could not associate any errors with your phone number and ARE out to get money off you.

Be aware of these scams and AVOID like the plague.  Keep your computer protection up to date and never connect to any websites you are invited to by unknown callers.

Must go and apply the latest security patches to my VAX VMS machine!

1 comment:

  1. Yep - parts of London have moved now. Or at least, if the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets is anything to go by . . .
