Monday, September 26, 2011

Industry managed by the Church?

Last week the Archbishop of Canterbury visited Derbyshire.  As part of his visit he came to Derby.

During the visit to Derby he once more crossed the line and gave evidence of the Church meddling outside it's remit.  He chose to stir up the Bombardier issue yet again.

We have had the initial outcry when Bombardier learned they had lost the Thameslink contract, this was perfectly understandable given the impact it would have on the area and the country.
I don't believe any of us know the full details of why the contract was not awarded locally so cannot speculate further on this.

Since then we have had the unions demanding that the tender process effectively be rerun, local councillors making the same demands (using our money to support the unions as well) and now we have the Archbishop of Canterbury throwing his oar in.

I am an atheist and some of you will think that this is my only reason for being annoyed at this.  However I believe that many religious believers will also see that it is wrong for the Church to get involved in matters of industry and politics.

There is no reason to believe that the Archbishop has any more understanding than anyone else of why the contract was awarded to Siemens and I doubt that his god instructed him to campaign on the matter.

Many atheists and religious people alike believe as I do that Church and State should be separate.  It will allow each to do what they are best at unhindered by outside interference.  I was unable to attend the recent march for a Secular Europe but I fully support the ideal.

Where would this intereference end, would the Chruch become like the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and issue rulings on any business deals they were unhappy with?  Maybe they would call for pubs to be closed on Sundays to respect the Sabbath (and Saturday to respect those of other faiths).

It must stop and it must stop NOW.

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